Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kobiashi Maru: Exterior and Interior

Propane Tanks, Oil Pump & Centrifuge Filter, Typical 3 Tank Setup
40gal+50gal+60gal x 14mpg=2100miles w/ no fill-ups

Oil Directional Valves

Inside is the Filtered hose to suck WVO

Oil Sucking System w/ Valves

Under top tank - Filter Tank

Hose and Plumbing between Filter Tank & Fuel Tank
Release Valve between Tank1 to Tank2

More Hose and Plumbing between Filter Tank & Fuel Tank

Nina's Art

Interior from Bed looking forward to cockpit

detail - ceiling

detail - ceiling

Roof Deck w/ Chairs
Overhead Compartments, wifiTV, and Closet
L-Couch and side windows
Cocina & Overheads
Ceiling above Bed

Control Panel - Nav-a-Gone/All-In-1, Temp, Solar Reg, Inverter Switch, Guages
Rear Cargo Doors - Inside
Co-Pilot Chair Lowered
Co-Pilot Chair Upright
Cocina Drawers - WIP
Drawers Finished - Closed
Drawers Finished - Open

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